My life’s work has been based on one constant, an evolving world view, and random occurrences.

As a child I was drawn to art… I have always been an artist.

Not unsurprisingly, my world view has evolved over time as I have transitioned from one stage of life to another. With each passing decade I have become ever more acutely aware of the foibles of human behavior which have been repeated incessantly throughout history.  Wisdom recorded three millennia ago which posited that “there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9)” rings out with a timelessness that is the philosophical underpinning of my work.  

The subjects of my painting tend to present themselves in random ways such as reading an article in Smithsonian Magazine about perpetual motion machines or finding a broken mirror destined for garbage pickup. Each of these items became subjects for a series of paintings.

In another era, I had galleries representing me, but they fell victim to economic downturns and a pandemic. So, with some reluctance and trepidation, I have haltingly transitioned to another paradigm… and here you are in the digital ethersphere looking at some examples of my work.

I hope to display additional works and series as my website matures.

I hope that meandering through my website will be both enjoyable and perhaps even thought provoking…

Thank you for taking the time to visit.

Annette Carothers